On Wednesday evening I browsed website, where interesting bird sightings in Slovakia can be found. For the first time ever there was written "Snow Goose - Anser caerulescens". It was found at fishponds near Malacky by a local expert birdwatcher and naturalist Rudo Jureček. Fishponds, only 40km from Bratislava, are used as a roosting site for wintering and migrating Geese, mostly White-fronted, Bean and Greylag. From time to time he use to find in the large flocks some great birds as Red-breasted Goose or Barnacle Goose, but this was simply unbelievable. White morph in Central Europe! Its origin is still uncertain, but it seems to be wild. No rings, or problems with flying. May be the official Slovak bird checklist will need to be recompiled again. I reported it to my colleagues and we drove to the site immediately as it was possible. We found the bird shining in the flock of Bean Geese just after our arrival. As we didn't want to disturb the flock of c4000 geese we observed it from distance of 400m. Pics are worse than documentary, but the amazing life tick is done. To be honest we really didn't care about the immature White-tailed Eagle, that was perching on the tree less than 500m from us. Who would ever say that it is possible to spot Whooper Swan, Tundra Swan, White-billed Diver, Red-breasted Goose and Snow Goose in a perimeter of less then 50km from Bratislava, Slovakia, Central Europe in 23 days.
geese flock, mostly Bean Geese (Anser fabalis) |
Snow Goose (Chen caerulescens) "white morph" |
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